It is critical that you speak with a lawyer before you talk to ICBC. Call us at (250) 746-8585 to set up a no fee consultation. We are experienced trial lawyers who will help you to maximize your recovery from ICBC. 

  1. 1.We will build your case with a team of experts with a view to maximizing your settlement or trial award. In your case you may seek damages for loss of income, the cost of housekeeping, the cost of medical care and the cost of future care in your home as well as a potential award for your loved ones who care for you.  For catastrophic injuries such as spinal injuries and traumatic brain injuries, your award can also take into account your need to change your home to meet your accessibility needs.  One thing all successful injury cases have in common is damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.

  2. 2.Whatever your injuries, we will retain the experts that you need to prove your case. These experts can include a team of medical specialists with injury related expertise, vocational experts to assess your ability to work in certain fields, economists and actuaries to calculate your loss of wages in the future and rehabilitation professionals to determine what care you will need - particularly if your injuries are permanent.

  3. 3.We will help you obtain no-fault wage loss benefits from ICBC if you have lost income as a result of injuries suffered in a car accident, as well as reimbursement for out of pocket medical expenses you incur prior to settlement or trial.

Many cases can be resolved in a negotiated settlement.  If not, we are experienced trial lawyers with trial success against ICBC and we will argue your case in court.

Since personal injury cases are taken on a contingency basis, we carry the expenses of the lawsuit for you and you pay no fees until  your case settles or a court awards you damages.

We handle cases of all injury severity, including catastrophic injuries.  If you cannot travel because of your injuries, call us and we will make arrangements to come and see you.